When I hear the word delicate, I immediately think of all the tiny fragile things that my children could destroy just by looking at them, so I decided to take them with me, and filter my images according to what got decimated moments after the shutter closed. In the rest of the northern hemisphere it is snowing, but in Dubai it is still firmly beach weather, and so no snowflakes, icicles, frost patterns or flowers struggling with the weight of snow for me. I discovered that my neighbourhood is almost completely child-proof, and although full of detail, true delicacy is hard to find. And seriously, when you think of the city of Dubai, do you ever associate it with the word "delicate"?

Then we found marigolds, which cover our street corners in Umm Suqeim (our suburb in Dubai). We often pick them and take them home to add to salads and dry for tea (somebody told me marigold tea makes you thinner, but they lied). These particular flowers were grasped by three-year-old fingers before they were smashed and squished into a shopping bag.
Lastly we have sleeping-beauty's foot. She is quite a young sleeping beauty - only three - but she is starting early, because Prince Charmings are very difficult to find. I love these shoes. I want them. And I love this photo so much, I have made it my favourite of the week, and sent it into Rachel @ and then she snapped....But they are very delicate, they shed tiny pieces of pink glitter like Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumbs, and I now have one on the end of my new wide-angle lens.
All in all, a very suitable project, because the old Canon SX20 IS has a "super macro" button, so I could get within one centimeter of the subject and it would still focus beautifully for me. I found with the new Canon 450D that better images are possible, but it is a very delicate balance between a close position and appropriate zoom. Without question, one must use manual focus, because the lens gets very confused while in so close, and it needs to be told what the subject is.
If you like these ramblings but are not interested in photography, check out my other blog: